Grilled Peach Salad with Bresaola and Halloumi


3 peaches, stoned and cut into eighths 
100 g pack Arabic halloumi or semi-soft goat’s cheese
200g mixed leaves 
115g thinly sliced bresaola
Picked int and dill leaves 

For the dressing
I small garlic clove, crushed 
1 tsp Dijon mustard 
2 tbsp early harvest olive oil, plus for drizzling 
1 tbsp lemon juice 
Salt and pepper 

This is how to make it

Heat a griddle pan and grill the peach wedges for around 1 minute on each side. 

Remove from the heat and put aside.

Mix your dressing ingredients together and season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, and put to one side.

To assemble the salad, arrange your leaves, peaches, bresaola and top with chunks of the cheese. Spoon the dressing on and scatter your mint and dill leaves on top. Always season with salt and a final drizzle of Hand of Fatima olive oil. 


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